25 May 2013

Hangman - Part 3

Welcome back, good to see all of you again. I hope your week was nice. We are developing our hangman game in an object oriented fashion therefore we need to identify some objects in our game. It's a good thing we have use cases because that's what we use to find those objects. Remember back in elementary school when you would have to identify the parts of a sentence? It's kind of like that. We also want to look for thinks that these objects know and things that it does.

18 May 2013

Hangman - Part 2

Use Cases

This week is short. Yay!
Here is the link to the use cases I made for our hangman game.

As you can see I've created a project on Google code so that all of you can easily see the documents relating to the project. It's also where I will post my code if I get around to it.

11 May 2013

Hangman - Part 1

Welcome to our first actual project. Just in case you didn't read the title we will be developing a game of hangman. It's a simple game meaning the logic won't be difficult to implement but it'll give us a chance to walk through some of the development steps.

04 May 2013

What Is Software Engineering?

Software Engineering

It's a big topic but I'll try to give some meaning to the term. Wikipedia, in all it's glory, didn't help me much when trying to define software engineering in the context that we'll be looking at it. In our context software engineering is the act or process of designing and developing software. In other words we'll be engineering software.